/BCO-DMO/Biopolymers_for_radionuclides/Partition_coefficients_for_COC ---- Level 0

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#  The partition coefficients of the radionuclide into colloidal organic matter, logKc values.
#  PI: Peter H. Santschi
#  Version: 2019-04-11
compound_for_ratio  ratio_to_OC_pcnt  LogK_radionuclide  LogK  calculation_type  
HSM-C               2.04              Th                 5.85  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               1.01              Th                 5.51  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.49              Th                 5.38  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               1.47              Th                 5.57  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.45              Th                 5.50  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.82              Th                 5.67  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.25              Th                 5.52  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.11              Th                 5.12  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.05              Th                 5.59  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.05              Th                 5.30  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.02              Th                 5.78  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.03              Th                 5.13  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.02              Th                 5.33  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.03              Th                 5.18  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               2.04              Pa                 5.73  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               1.01              Pa                 6.01  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.49              Pa                 5.73  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               1.47              Pa                 5.73  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.45              Pa                 5.57  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.82              Pa                 5.78  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.25              Pa                 6.00  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.11              Pa                 5.48  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.05              Pa                 5.68  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.05              Pa                 5.42  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.02              Pa                 5.19  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.03              Pa                 5.29  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.02              Pa                 5.34  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HSM-C               0.03              Pa                 5.38  AHA as standard hydroxamate siderophoremolecule  
HQ-C                0.89              Pa                 5.73  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.35              Pa                 6.01  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.26              Pa                 5.73  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.04              Pa                 5.73  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.16              Pa                 5.57  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.66              Pa                 5.78  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.08              Pa                 6.00  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                1.39              Pa                 5.48  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.25              Pa                 5.68  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.74              Pa                 5.42  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.59              Pa                 5.19  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.78              Pa                 5.29  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.76              Pa                 5.34  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                1.31              Pa                 5.38  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.89              Be                 4.70  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.35              Be                 4.91  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.26              Be                 4.79  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.04              Be                 4.89  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.16              Be                 4.83  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.66              Be                 4.87  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.08              Be                 4.92  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                1.39              Be                 4.64  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.25              Be                 4.77  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.74              Be                 4.50  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.59              Be                 4.66  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.78              Be                 4.49  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                0.76              Be                 4.50  HQ as standard reference  
HQ-C                1.31              Be                 4.61  HQ as standard reference